Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure ?

One of the more significant health issues that people have to deal with regularly today is hypertension.  Hypertension is not necessarily a bad thing, in and of itself in many individuals live without any significant problems and have hypertension for the majority of their lives.  The real difficulty occurs because many people with high blood pressure are going to end up having an issue that far exceeds simply having additional pressure in your arteries.  For example, stroke, heart attack and kidney problems may occur and can be life-threatening in those with high blood pressure.  That is why it is important for you to significantly lower your numbers if you realize you have a problem.

Many people consider stress to be a major cause of high blood pressure when in reality, stress is nothing more than a trigger which helps to aggravate an already existing problem.  There's no doubt that we all lead stressful lives and the stress that is in our lives only seems to increase with the passing of time.  There is some significance in the fact that stress does trigger high blood pressure problems and to make those numbers significantly higher.  In order to overcome and reduce those numbers, a reduction of stress may be necessary.

There are some things that can be done which will reduce stress in your life, although there are very few things that will remove it entirely.  One of the most important things is that you learn how to cope with any situations that you may be up against which are rather stressful.  This can either be done through silent meditation, getting a little bit more rest if possible or perhaps listening to some self hypnosis CDs while you're in your car or at home.  The more you are able to cope with the stress that your life is throwing at you, the lower your blood pressure numbers should be as a result.

Along with that, you may want to get some exercise on a daily basis and to eat a healthy diet in order to keep your body fat percentage at a regular level.  In itself, this can help to reduce your blood pressure numbers significantly but exercise and healthy living also can reduce your stress level as well.  It may take a little bit of time for you to realize the full effects of doing this, but once they arrive they will be well worth the effort.

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